What are Veneers?
Veneers are a porcelain cover which is bonded to the front of the tooth and are custom made for each individual. They can address a number of dental issues; close spaces, whiten teeth, straighten teeth and repair chipped or worn teeth. Veneers are usually about the same thickness of a fingernail, only about 1mm. To ensure that the tooth or teeth do not feel thicker, the same thickness is shaved off the natural tooth before the veneer is bonded to the surface of your tooth.
The Procedure
This treatment usually requires about four visits. During your first visit we will examine your teeth and mouth to ensure that dental veneers are the correct solution for your individual needs. On your second visit we will take impressions of your teeth which will allow us to have your custom made veneers created at our lab. On the next visit, we will prepare your teeth, this will be where we remove or shave some of the enamel from your teeth. The amount of material removed will match the thickness of your veneer. During your final appointment, your new veneer will be bonded to your teeth and any adjustments necessary will be made to ensure they are comfortable and functional.
Taking Care of your Veneer
You will greatly prolong the life of your new dental veneer by employing a excellent dental hygiene routine, which begins with regular brushing and flossing. Dental veneers require the same amount and type of brushing as your natural teeth. It is important to keep in mind that decay can still occur under your veneer at the base of your tooth, so do not be tempted to reduce the intensity of your hygiene routine in any way. Be sure to carefully check for any build up of plaque, as this may be an early sign of more serious problems with your veneer.