Why Bonding?
If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, which is not an uncommon problem, dental bonding might be the right treatment for you. Dental bonding is ideal if a tooth has any decay and can also fill out the shape of a tooth. Unfortunately, teeth can easily be cracked or chipped while playing sports, eating hard food or just about anything. Bonding a tooth or teeth can help strengthen them as well as restoring your beautiful smile.
What is Bonding?
The bonding process is very simple, we use a special dental resin made of glass and plastic similar to the resin used to repair discolored or cracked teeth. We will match the color of your natural teeth to ensure that nobody will be able to notice that any repair work has been done. Once applied, the bonding agent will adhere to the natural tooth forming an extremely strong connection.
The Procedure
Dental bonding is a very simple procedure which involves hardly any preparation as the goal is to retain as much of the natural tooth as possible. This means the final result will be a better looking and stronger tooth once the treatment is complete. Having such little prep also means there is far stress for patients who are more nervous and usually there is minimal or no drills involved in the procedure.